Sunday, August 19, 2007
Types of Ozone Therapy
What Is Ozone Therapy?
(Written For The Hartford CT AIDS Project) By Ed McCabe ,
Author of The classic bestseller "Oxygen Therapies" And the new hit "O3 vs. AIDS "
All Rights Reserved and Copyright 2000 by Ed McCabe
- Ed McCabe
What is 'Ozone Therapy' ?
It's so simple it befuddles the great minds. Unlike healthy human cells that love oxygen, the disease causing viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites - including HIV & cancer virons, arthritis microbes, and others - like most primitive lower life forms, are almost all anaerobic .
That means these microbes cannot live in oxygen. Therefore, what would happen to these anaerobic viruses and bacteria if they were to be completely surrounded with a very energetic form of pure oxygen for a long time ? What if enough of this special form of oxygen/ozone was to be slowly and harmlessly introduced into the body daily, over the course of a few months, by bypassing the lungs, and yet eventually saturating all the bodily fluids and every cell with it? Wouldn’t the disease causing microbes that can't live in oxygen cease to exist?
All 30 or so oxygen therapies, including ozone, work because they flood the body with Nature's single oxygen atoms. Singlet oxygen and its by-products are very energetic oxidizers - they "burn up" waste products, pollution, and microbes. They can’t protect themselves because they are either inert, or lower life forms.
Normal body cells protect themselves from the oxidizing effects of oxygen by naturally producing their own protective antioxidant coatings.
We are 66% water. Most European and many American cities purify their municipal drinking water by bubbling ozone through it to kill all the bacteria and viruses, etc. See Inactivation Kinetics of Viruses and Bacteria by use of Ozone, by E. Katzenelson, et. al., American Water Works Society, 1974 .
Most bottled water in the U.S. goes through the same ozone purification methods. Since your body is two-thirds water (we are internally permeated with fluids), the same purification principals would directly apply to us. Ozone is simply infused through your personal body liquids to sterilize and purify them.
This method has been successfully applied to the human body by knowledgeable doctors treating diseased persons for over 100 years. It's simple. Our natural intake of oxygen from food, air, & water is the way Nature intended us to keep healthy and clean by naturally oxidizing away the microbes and toxins. Unfortunately, due to human ego and greed, mankind has polluted the eco-system, cut down the rainforests, and ruined the oceans, the two sources of where the oxygen all comes from. So because we are all oxygen deficient, our bodies can no longer take out (oxidize) the trash. Even the ozone layer above us that protects us from ultraviolet rays is born when the rainforests make the oxygen that eventually turns into ozone. The removal of our planet's oxygen generating forests, and atomic bomb testing rendering the natural oxygen isotopic and unable to turn into ozone, is directly relating to the "mysterious" holes in the ozone layer.
I have witnessed hundreds of AIDS and other patients receiving ozone infusion therapy. When they start out their blood is filthy, diseased, and so empty of oxygen that it is almost black in color from the filth. Keep putting the ozone into them for a while, and the blood turns back to a bright cherry red color, full of life giving oxygen and clean . Human ego is presently preventing us from exploring ozone's use in US medicine without great difficulty. For example, In New York City it is illegal to say any therapy helps AIDS. This law has been used as an excuse to shut down experimental ozone clinical trials in progress before they could produce the documentation. There is plenty of documentation already around in major journals.
See Ed McCabe's "O3 vs. AIDS " for hundreds of medical references.
50+ years of Ozone application methods
Extracorporeal recirculatory autohemo perfusion . Blood out of one arm, ozonated, sterilized and filtered outside the body, and pumped continuously back into the other arm. The best.
IV slow injections of the O3 gas - no air, just pure medical grade oxygen turned into medical grade ozone – into prone patients. 27 mcg/ml3 concentration. Air bubbles? No nitrogen, no nitrogen (air) embolisms.
Autohemotherapy - withdrawing 600 ml of blood and re-infusiing it into the body after putting ozone into it.
Ozone bagging - every body part except the head in a bag full of O3 for up to two hours.
Ozone rectal insufflation - average 1 1/2 liters of 27mcg/ml O3 gas into colon.
Ozone vaginal insufflation - average 5 minutes of insufflating body cavity.
Ozone ear insufflation - average 5 minutes of letting O3 fall into ear cavities.
Ozone air purification - low levels of ozone sterilize and rejuvenate the room air. O3 in LOW doses cleans the lungs and blood.
Ozone charged drinking water – Bubble O3 into water which must be imbibed immediately while the O3 is still in the glass. There are over 3,000 medical references in the German literature showing ozone's use in over 50 years of application to humans by way of millions of dosages. The International Ozone Association and the ozone machine manufacturers report over 7,000 M.D.'s in Europe using medical ozone safely and effectively, some for more than 40 years, yet for the past 15 years, the FDA has prevented formal human testing or any ozone generating device approvals.
I have seen people sero-convert to HIV PCR negative, and even more importantly, lose all secondary infections from being on ozone. BUT they stuck to a full protocol - getting it daily, IV, the right dosage, and the right concentrations, and combining it with other significant modalities. People who have never tried it, or only just "dabbled" in it, end up being the only nay sayers. Go ahead and ask anyone who is disrespecting ozone - Ask them, did you work up to using at least 150cc (not the starting dosage) of 27-42 mcg/ml concentration strength of only pure medical ozone gas? Was it once or twice a day, every single day, for four to six weeks? Was the ozone delivered IV or better? If they say it's dangerous, or ineffective, they're doing it wrong! 99% of the many successful people that I have interviewed - and written or spoken about - have received ozone only this proper way. And none were hurt. - see below on the 5 1/2 million dosage German study showing ozone to be completely safe. Those that use ozone continue to come back for more because they live the benefits within their own bodies. The German Medical Society has published that 384,775 patients were treated with ozone with a minimum of 5,579,238 applications and the side effect rate observed was only .000005 per application! No medicine has anywhere near this low of a side effect rate! Outrageously safe when applied correctly. The report also stated "The majority of adverse effects were caused by ignorance about ozone therapy (operator error)." The University of Innsbruck's Forensic Institute published Dr. Zacob's dissertation quoting this in The Empirical Medical Acts of Germany.
When I began Using Peroxide.
I know this seems like a lot of reading, but trust me you will want to know all you can. I have miles and miles and miles more of research on this. I gave the ones that stood out the most to me and would be most helpful for you. Please do more research on your own to be confident you want to try this. Then again I think I have done enough research for the both of us. Plus, there is a file about diet, just in case you still may need info on what may trigger an OB other than false sugar (aspartame aka splenda, diet cokes).
Oh yeah, unfortunately, I didn't get a respond from msalem yet. Although I am greatful he posted his miracle. It still gives me a great deal of hope. I believe he used blood oxygenation. Where they take a pint of your blood and purify it and put it back in you. Depending on how advance a virus is in a person, you would have to repeat this process a number of times in order to purify all the blood in your body to kill off any viruses.
There are a few files I want to bring to your attention. Files titled "The Many Benefits..." is 2 different copies of the same research. One format maybe easier to read than the other. And this file, in particular, contains an easy to use guide on how to use 35% Food Grade Peroxide at home which I am currently using now. Plus the files beginning with "Update Jan..." These are files on how this treatment is going so far for me. Then lastly, the file titled "My Personal 3 month..." is the details of how I use all of this together with DMSO.
Also, if you decide to find someone that specializes in oxygen therapy, remember this is an alternative treatment and by law they can't say it is a cure even if you get cured. Don't be discouraged if you read somewhere that even if it doesn't show up on the new 99.9% herpes select elisa test you still have herpes. Everyone with common since knows you can't pass what you don't have. AND DAMN IT IF THE MOST ADVANCE TEST TODAY SAYS YOU ARE NEGATIVE THEN YOU ARE CURED. CASE CLOSED!!! Now you must think long term with this kind of treatment because it is a virus all the way down to the celllular level. This takes time to heal just like a cancer victim, which 2 of my close friends and my granny has.
All I know, threw my research, is that anyone that is cured with cancer is linked to someone that has said they were cured of their herpes type 1 & 2. And they were all using ozone/oxygen therapy. The link I am giving on the bottom is about a guy who went to a cancer treatment center in Malaga, Spain. He posted his miracle February of 2006.
This following is a listing of hospitals and clinics that specialize in this alternative treatment of cancer.
A Cancer center in spain is so confident about there treatment in cancer that they give a money back guarantee. I think he went to Las Mariposas Clinic in Malaga, Spain. But there are few places in the US, Canada & Mexico that practice, but look to see if they were trained anywhere in Europe especially Germany.
Ever since my first going through 2nd, I took Ayclovir 3x a day for 10 days with 1 a day womens mutivitamin, a 500mg vitamin c chewable and a lysine vitamin once in the day and one before bed. It is best to take lysine on an empty stomach. After the 10 days I kept taking the multi vitamin, vitamin c, and lysine.. I stopped the lysine after a week. and just keep the multiivitamin and vitamin c once a day every morning religiously with distilled or atleast bottled water only if I run out distilled water. As victims of a virus we have to keep our immune systems up. Way way up. We have to work twice as hard and take more vitamins than everyone. So far I think the 500mg vitamin c and multi vitamin is enough so far.
I have also ground lysine into powder on reserve to keep in case I need to mix it with some peroxide to make a paste. I use regular cotton balls to apply it. In case I have another outbreak.I did this on first break and now on the second one. This will have a mild sting, no more than the pain we are going threw now. After this application it is followed by a warming sensation. This helps with the pain. I applied it everytime it got too painful to walk on my first OB.
Only use DISTILLED WATER, (No More Tap water) Mr. PUR is not even good enough. A gallon of distilled water is like .64 cents. I can't stress that enough. Plus when using DMSO (if you decide to try it), be very careful. This allows you to absorb medication threw the skin. But if used improperly or in an unclean environment you can absorb something toxic and that can and will make you very sick.
Right now, I have just recieved my gallon of 35% food grade peroxide from the "Garden of Eden" website. I bought the DMSO from the Jacoblab website. I should also share with you that I am not taking any priscription drugs at all right now. I did take Acyclovir during my first OB, but nothing since then. From doing all this reading on other peoples reaction to the mainstream drugs, I must say, I have a feeling that it may be making the condition worst, or stronger, the longer you take it. Which means your body maybe becoming immune to the antiviral medication. Kind of like a alcoholic that has a high tolerance, the virus maybe developing a tolerance against the meds you are taking, especially if your condition seems to be accelerating again after you have taken it for a while. I would suggest trying something new if this happening to you. One of the many definitions of INSANITY is to continue doing the same thing over and over and expecting change.
I can't stress this enough, -->Do more research. Make sure you know everything before you try something alternative. And if you can, to help others, document everything you do. Plus get a copy of your std test that says you are positive and if you feel you are negative after a few years of ZERO outbreak get another test. Just so you can know for a fact you are cured. Also, do not go to the same clinic where you got your original test. Go to a completely different testing facility that uses a lab that has never seen you or your name before. A lot of people don't realize that they can go to 2 different clinics or hospitals but they use the same lab with the same people that took your test the first time.
I live in Kentucky where I got my first test. And my granny who is a nurse says every clinic and hospital in this town uses the same lab for diagnosing people. So Tennessee is not too far I will go there for a second opinion. And after a year or 2 of being OB free will get a third test somewhere else.
I must admit I am a little nervous about trying this. Im scared of the detoxification process. You will go threw a war zone in the beginning of this home treatment. I could go threw severe nausea, sweating, acne, coughing up mucous, diahrea etc... All the things your body does to get any type of illness out of your body, but all at once and unfortunately a little bit worst. This also includes going threw a severe outbreak. But that is because it knows you are in the process of killing it. So I know all the pros and cons including the bad taste. I will notify you guys as soon as I start my first day. I plan on getting a second blood test as a second opinion, before starting this treatment. So wish me luck.
Your body is your home. You have to live their. Fight like hell to protect it, and kick out all unwanted guest, invaders, and party crashers. God gave us all our own special temple. Take care of it.
Update August 1 2007
You can just buy the quart or half quart. I still have plenty. The only way you would need more is if you plan on bathing in it. I would but I don't have enough money to purchase it like that for now. But I have done it a few times.
Also, I did jump the gun on a previous update. Just because it was not working as quickly as I wanted. But I guarantee this is working for me now. So like said in the beginning this was going to take a while. So far it may only take a year.
I was diagnosed November 2006, and took Acyclovir once and no other drugs since then. I have been using 35% Food Grade Peroxide since January 2007. I have had only one very mild OB when I started drinking this and acne from my body expelling toxins. I have not had an OB since January-February 2007. I have had a tingling sensation in March-April 2007 only around my period. So far since May until today, I haven't had any OB's at all from only drinking this diluted pure peroxide while taking vitamins. I avoid false sugar products aka aspartame aka splenda and any diet beverage. Hell they cause cancer anyway. I say another 6 months to a year I should be in the clear and won't have to use anything at all. If not, then I will go in for professional oxygen treatments with a doctor.
I did use this pure form undiluted with a Q-tip on the actual OB. I popped the blister first, so it could get all the way in and it STUNG, but for a very short period. Since this stuff is strong it did turn the area where I applied the with a Q-tip white. I mean white-out white. It bubbled from killing virus and bacteria. The discoloration lasted for an hour. The sore was scabbed over the next morning! If you are fearful of this, then put water on the Q-tip first and then put the peroxide on it. I jumped the gun on previous updates thinking it was working because it wasn’t working quickly enough to me. But it is definitely working! One glass in the morning and One before bed.
The same site that sells the peroxide has dropper bottles to measure your drops. Or you can get one from walgreens walmart etc for less than $3.00.
I will get tested in 6 months!!
The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide
By Dr. David G. Williams
Posted July 17, 2003 (Original title: Hydrogen Peroxide - Curse or Cure?)
When it comes to hydrogen peroxide therapy there seems to be only two points of view. Supporters consider it one of the greatest healing miracles of all time. Those opposed feel its ingestion is exceptionally dangerous, and only the foolhardy could think of engaging in such behavior. Before either condemning or endorsing hydrogen peroxide, let's take a real close look at what we're dealing with.If any substance is interesting, it's hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide should really be called hydrogen dioxide. Its chemical formula is H2O2. It contains one more atom of oxygen that does water (H20). By now everyone's aware of the ozone layer that surrounds the earth. Ozone consists of three atoms of oxygen (03). This protective layer of ozone is created when ultraviolet light from the sun splits an atmospheric oxygen molecule (02) into two single, unstable oxygen atoms. These single molecules combine with others to form ozone (03). Ozone isn't very stable. In fact, it will quickly give up that extra atom of oxygen to falling rainwater to form hydrogen peroxide (H202). (Bear with me: all this chemistry mumbo jumbo I'm going through actually will help you understand the importance of hydrogen peroxide.) Helps PlantsIt is this hydrogen peroxide in rainwater that makes it so much more effective than tap water when given to plants. With the increased levels of atmospheric pollution, however, greater amounts of H202 react with air-borne toxins and never reach the ground. To compensate for this, many farmers have been increasing crop yields by spraying them with diluted hydrogen peroxide (5 to 16 ounces of 35% mixed with 20 gallons of water per acre). You can achieve the same beneficial effect with your house plants by adding 1 ounce of 3% hydrogen peroxide (or 16 drops of 35% solution) to every quart of water you give your plants. (It can also be made into an excellent safe insecticide. Simply spray your plants with 8 ounces of 3% peroxide mixed with 8 ounces of white sugar and one gallon of water.)
Hydrogen peroxide is odorless and colorless, but not tasteless. When stored under the proper conditions, it is a very stable compound. When kept in the absence of light and contaminants, it dismutates (breaks down) very slowly at the rate of about 10% a year. (This can be slowed even further by storing the liquid in the freezer.) It boils at 152 degrees C and freezes at minus 2 degrees C.When exposed to other compounds hydrogen peroxide dismutates readily. The extra oxygen atom is released leaving H20 (water). In nature oxygen (02) consists of two atoms--a very stable combination. A single atom of oxygen, however, is very reactive and is referred to as a free radical. Over the past several years, we've continually read that these free radicals are responsible for all types of ailments and even premature aging. What many writers seem to forget, however, is that our bodies create and use free radicals to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In fact, the cells responsible for fighting infection and foreign invaders in the body (your white blood cells) make hydrogen peroxide and use it to oxidize any offending culprits. The intense bubbling you see when hydrogen peroxide comes in contact with a bacteria-laden cut or wound is the oxygen being released and bacteria being destroyed. The ability of our cells to produce hydrogen peroxide is essential for life. H202 is not some undesirable by-product or toxin, but instead a basic requirement for good health.
Newer research indicates we need hydrogen peroxide for a multitude of other chemical reactions that take place throughout the body. For example, we now know that vitamin C helps fight infections by producing hydrogen peroxide, which in turn stimulates the production of prostaglandins. Also lactobacillus found in the colon and vagina produce hydrogen peroxide. This destroys harmful bacteria and viruses, preventing colon disease, vaginitis, bladder infections and a host of other common ailments. (Infect Dis News Aug.8,91:5). When lactobacillus in the colon or vaginal tract have been overrun with harmful viruses, yeast, or bacteria, an effective douche or enema solution can be made using 3 tablespoons of 3% H202 in 1 quart of distilled water. Keep in mind, however, that a good bacterial flora must always be re-established in theses areas to achieve lasting results.
Aerobic versus AnerobicWhile we are discussing enemas and douches, there is another misconception about H202 I need to address. The friendly bacteria in the colon and vagina are aerobic. In other words, they flourish in high oxygen environments and thrive in the presence of oxygen rich H202. On the other hand, most strains of harmful bacteria (and cancer cells) are anaerobic and cannot survive in the presence of oxygen or H202. We can agree that hydrogen peroxide produced within individual body cells is essential for life. And no one doubts its effectiveness when it comes to treating infections topically. The controversy deals with ingesting the substance orally or introducing it into the body intravenously. The dispute has been going on for decades, and considering the attitude of our medical community, it will continue for many more decades to come.
I'll admit I was skeptical when I first learned about using H202 orally or intravenously. This healthy dose of skepticism, however, lead to a great deal of investigation, clinical work and experimentation. And while I realize a large majority of readers will probably never be convinced that H202 is a safe and effective compound, I am. Hydrogen peroxide is safe, readily available and dirt cheap. And best of all, it works! No one yet fully understands the complete workings of hydrogen peroxide. We do know that it is loaded with oxygen. (A pint of the food-grade 35% solution contains the equivalent of 130 pints of oxygen. A pint of 3% hydrogen peroxide found at the local drugstore contains 10 pints of oxygen. And a pint of the 6% solution used to bleach hair contains 20 pints of oxygen.) We also know that when H202 is taken into the body (orally or intravenously) the oxygen content of the blood and body tissues increases dramatically. Early researchers felt these increases were simply due to the extra oxygen molecule being released. This doesn't however, appear to be the case.
Only very diluted amounts of H202 are ever introduced into the body. The small amount of oxygen present couldn't be solely responsible for the dramatic changes that take place. Dr. Charles Farr, a strong proponent of intravenous use, has discovered another possible answer. Dr. Farr has shown that hydrogen peroxide stimulates enzyme systems throughout the body. This triggers an increase in the metabolic rate, causes small arteries to dilate and increase blood flow, enhances the body's distribution and consumption of oxygen and raises body temperature (Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-Oxidative Medicine 1989, 1990, 1991).
Father Richard WillhelmWe are just beginning to learn exactly how H202 works. It was reported to work as far back as 1920. The English medical journal, Lancet, then reported that intravenous infusion was used successfully to treat pneumonia in the epidemic following World War I. In the 1940's Father Richard Willhelm, the pioneer in promoting peroxide use, reported on the compound being used extensively to treat everything from bacterial-related mental illness to skin disease and polio. Father Willhelm is the founder of "Educational Concern for Hydrogen Peroxide" (ECHO, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public on the safe use and therapeutic benefits of hydrogen peroxide.) Much of the interest in hydrogen peroxide waned in the 1940's when prescription medications came on the scene. Since that time there has been little economic interest in funding peroxide research. After all, it is dirt cheap and non-patentable. Even still, in the last 25 years, over 7,700 articles relating to hydrogen peroxide have been written in the standard medical journals. Thousands more, involving its therapeutic use, have appeared in alternative health publications. The number of conditions helped by hydrogen peroxide is astounding. The reported dangers and side effects are few and often conflicting.
EmphysemaLet's look at several conditions that seem to respond especially well to H202 therapy. First, keep in mind that there are two methods of administering the peroxide-1) orally and 2) intravenously. While most conditions respond remarkably to oral ingestion, emphysema is one condition in which intravenous infusion can be a godsend. Emphysema involves destruction of the alveoli (the small air sacs in the lungs). Although chemical fumes and other irritants can cause the destruction, it is most often the result of smoking. As the disease progresses, the patient finds it more and more difficult to breathe. A wheel chair and supplemental oxygen become necessary as the disease progresses. Lack of adequate oxygen reaching the tissues forces the heart to pump more forcefully. This leads to high blood pressure, enlargement of the heart itself and eventually heart failure. Conventional medicine offers little help for emphysema. There is no cure. The best that can be hoped for is symptomatic relief and the prevention of any serious complications that might result in death. H202 therapy can offer more. Using 1 ounce of 35% peroxide per 1 gallon of non-chlorinated water in a vaporizer improves nighttime breathing tremendously. But intravenous infusion holds the real key to relief. It has the ability to cleanse the inner lining of the lungs and restore the ability to breathe.
We continue to hear the same story from Dr. Farr and others who use intravenous infusion for emphysema and congestive lung problems. Within minutes oxygen from hydrogen peroxide begins to bubble up between the membrane lining the lungs sacs and the accumulated mucus. (Dr. Farr refers to this as the "Alka-Seltzer effect.") The patient begins to cough and expel the material that has accumulated in the lungs. The amount of bubbling, coughing, and cleansing can be regulated by simply turning the H202 on and off. As the peroxide clears the lung surface and destroys the bacterial infections, the patient regains the ability to breath more normally. We continue to receive reports from patients for whom the technique has improved breathing so much that a wheelchair and supplemental oxygen are no longer needed. If you would like to find a doctor in your area trained in the use of intravenous H202 infusion, contact the International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation (IBOM), P.O. Box 13205, Oklahoma City, OK 73113 at (405) 478-4266. They can provide names and addresses of doctors using the procedure in your area.
If emphysema were the only ailment successfully treated with H202 therapy, it would still rank as one of the top health discoveries of all time. Fortunately, H202 works wonders on a multitude of health problems. It does so by increasing tissue oxygen levels. A closer look at how we have decreased the availability of external and internal oxygen, will show you just how important this can be. If you were not too occupied with trying to hide dissection specimens in the other student's desks, you might remember from elementary science courses that our atmosphere contains about 20% oxygen. That is under ideal circumstances. It has recently been reported that in many of our more polluted cities, there levels have dropped to around 10%! (I have already mentioned how less hydrogen peroxide-containing rain is reaching the earth's surface. With increased pollution it is reacting with airborne toxins before it even reaches the ground.) And everyone, by now, knows the oxygen-generating rain forests are being destroyed worldwide, which further reduces available oxygen. Internal oxygen availability is also under attack.
Chlorination of drinking water removes oxygen. Cooking and over-processing of our foods lowers their oxygen content. Unrestrained antibiotic use destroys beneficial oxygen-creating bacteria in the intestinal tract. Dr. Johanna Budwig of Germany has shown that for proper cellular utilization of oxygen to take place, our diets must contain adequate amounts of unsaturated fatty acids. Unfortunately, the oils rich in these fatty acids have become less and less popular with the food industry. Their very nature makes them more biologically active, which requires more careful processing and gives them a shorter shelf-life. Rather than deal with these challenges, the food industry has turned to the use of synthetic fats and dangerous processes like hydrogenation.
It's obvious that our oxygen needs are not being met. Several of the most common ailments now affecting our population are directly related to oxygen starvation. Asthma, emphysema, and lung disease are on the rise, especially in the polluted metropolitan areas. Cases of constipation, diarrhea, intestinal parasites and bowel cancer are all on the upswing. Periodontal disease is endemic in the adult population of this country. Cancer of all forms continues to increase. Immune system disorders are sweeping the globe. Chronic fatigue, "Yuppie Flu" and hundreds of other strange viral diseases have begun to surface. Ironically, many of the new "miracle" drugs and nutritional supplements used to treat these conditions work by increasing cellular oxygen (oftentimes through H202 formation). For example, the miracle nutrient, Coenzyme Q10, helps regulate intercellular oxidation. Organic germanium, which received considerable publicity not too long ago, also increases oxygen levels at the cellular level. And even substances like niacin and vitamin E promote tissue oxidation through their dilation of blood vessels.
Hydrogen peroxide is only one of the many components that help regulate the amount of oxygen getting to your cells. Its presence is vital for many other functions as well. It is required for the production of thyroid hormone and sexual hormones. (Mol Cell Endocrinol 86;46(2): 149-154) (Steroids 82;40(5):5690579). It stimulates the production of interferon (J Immunol 85;134(4):24492455). It dilates blood vessels in the heart and brain (Am J Physiol 86;250 (5 pt 2): H815-821 and (2 pt 2):H157-162). It improves glucose utilization in diabetics (Proceedings of the IBOM Conference 1989, 1990, 1991). The closer you look at hydrogen peroxide, the less surprising it becomes that it can help such a wide variety of conditions.
The following is only a partial listing of conditions in which H202 therapy has been used successfully. (Many of these conditions are serious, if not life-threatening. As always, I would highly recommend seeking the advice and guidance of a doctor experienced in the use of these techniques.)
Allergies, Altitude Sickness, Alzheimer's, Anemia, Arrhythmia, Asthma, Bacterial Infections, Bronchitis, Cancer, Candida, Cardiovascular Disease, Cerebral Vascular Diseases, Chronic Pain, Diabetes Type II, Diabetic Gangrene, Diabetic Retinopathy, Digestion Problems, Headaches, Herpes Simplex, Herpes Zoster, HIV Infection, Influenza, Insect Bites, Liver Cirrhosis, Lupus Erythematosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Parasitic Infections, Parkinsonism, Periodontal Disease, Prostatitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Shingles, Sinusitis, Sore Throat
Grades of Hydrogen PeroxideHydrogen peroxide is available in various strengths and grades.
A) 3.5% Pharmaceutical Grade: This is the grade sold at your local drugstore or supermarket. This product is not recommended for internal use. It contains an assortment of stabilizers which shouldn't be ingested. Various stabilizers include: acetanilide, phenol, sodium stanate and tertrasodium phosphate.
B) 6% Beautician Grade: This is used in beauty shops to color hair and is not recommended for internal use.
C) 30% Reagent Grade: This is used for various scientific experimentation and also contains stabilizers. It is also not for internal use.
D) 30% to 32% Electronic Grade: This is used to clean electronic parts and not for internal use.
E) 35% Technical Grade: This is a more concentrated product than the Reagent Grade and differs slightly in that phosphorus is added to help neutralize any chlorine from the water used to dilute it.
F) 35% Food Grade: This is used in the production of foods like cheese, eggs, and whey-containing products. It is also sprayed on the foil lining of aseptic packages containing fruit juices and milk products. THIS IS THE ONLY GRADE RECOMMENDED FOR INTERNAL USE. It is available in pints, quarts, gallons or even drums. Various suppliers are mentioned later in this article.
G) 90%: This is used as an oxygen source for rocket fuel.
Only 35% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide is recommended for internal use. At this concentration, however, hydrogen peroxide is a very strong oxidizer and if not diluted, it can be extremely dangerous or even fatal. Any concentrations over 10% can cause neurological reactions and damage to the upper gastrointestinal tract. There have been two known fatalities in children who ingested 27% and 40% concentrations of H202. Recently, a 26 month old female swallowed one mouthful of 35% H202. She immediately began vomiting, followed by fainting and respiratory arrest. Fortunately, she was under emergency room care and although she experienced erosion and bleeding of the stomach and esophagus, she survived the incident. When she was re-examined 12 days later, the areas involved had healed (J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 90;28(1):95-100).
35% Food Grade H202 must be
1) handled carefully (direct contact will burn the skin--immediate flushing with water is recommended).
2) diluted properly before use.
3) stored safely and properly (after making a dilution the remainder should be stored tightly sealed in the freezer).
One of the most convenient methods of dispensing 35% H202 is from a small glass eye dropper bottle. These can be purchased at your local drugstore. Fill this with the 35% H202 and store the larger container in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator until more is needed. Store the eye dropper bottle in the refrigerator. The generally recommended dosage is outlined in the chart below. The drops are mixed with either 6 to 8 ounces of distilled water, juice, milk or even aloe vera juice or gel. (Don't use chlorinated tap water to dilute the peroxide!)
Suggested ProtocolThe program outlined is only a suggestion, but it is based on years of experience, and reports from thousands of users. Those who choose to go at a slower pace can expect to progress more slowly, but that certainly is an option. The program is not carved in stone and keep in mind that it can be adapted to fit individual needs. Individuals who have had transplants should not undertake an H202 program. H202 stimulates the immune system and could possibly cause a rejection of the organ.
Day # -Number of Drops/ Times Per Day
1 - 3 / 3
2 - 4 / 3
3 - 5 / 3
4 - 6 / 3
5 - 7 / 3
6 - 8 / 3
7 - 9 / 3
8 - 10 / 3
9 - 12 / 3
10 - 14 / 3
11 - 16 / 3
12 - 18 / 3
13 - 20 / 3
14 - 22 / 3
15 - 24 / 3
16 - 25 / 3
Maintenance DosageIn most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows:25 drops once every other day for 1 week25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks
This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months). Those with chronic systemic Candidiasis may need to start with 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day before starting the above schedule. It is important that H202 be taken on an empty stomach. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H202 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created (J Inorg Biochem 89;35(1):55-69). The bleach-like aftertaste of H202 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums. Some individuals taking H202 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. There are several points to keep in mind, however.
Some individuals may experience upset stomach. If this occurs it is recommended that one not stop the program, but rather remain at the current dosage level or reduce it to the previous level until the problem stops. (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202.) During the program it's not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough. In some individuals this overload may cause fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, skin eruptions, cold or flu-like symptoms, and/or nausea. One should not discontinue using the peroxide to stop this cleansing. By continuing the program, toxins will clear the body sooner and this healing crisis will pass rather quickly.
If you are not already taking vitamin E and an acidophilus product, I recommend starting them before going on H202. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide.
Making and Using 3% Solutions of H202A 3.5% solution can be made quite easily by first pouring 1 ounce of 35% H202 into a pint jar. To this add 11 ounces of distilled water. This will make 12 ounces of 3.5% H202. 3.5% H202 has a variety of medicinal uses.
1. Three tablespoons mixed with a quart of non-chlorinated water makes a good enema or douche formula.2. It can be used full strength as a mouthwash or mixed with baking soda for toothpaste.3. It can be used full strength as a foot bath for athlete's foot. (Diabetics have found relief from circulation problems by soaking their feet in 1 pint of 3% peroxide mixed with 1 gallon of warm, non-chlorinated water for 30 minutes nightly.)4. A tablespoon added to 1 cup of non-chlorinated water can be used as a nasal spray. Depending on the degree of sinus involvement, one will have to adjust the amount of peroxide used. I have seen some who can use it at the full 3% strength and others who had difficulty with using a few drops and mixed with a cup of water.5. 3.5% H202 can be added to pets drinking water at the rate of 1 ounce per quart of non-chlorinated water. Sick cattle reportedly benefit from 1 pint (of 3%) to each 5 gallons of water. (Chickens and cows have remained healthy by using 8 ounces of 35% H202 per 1,000 gallons of drinking water.)
Additional InformationThere are two sources you should contact if you have an interest in using hydrogen peroxide therapy. The first, ECHO, was founded by Father Richard Willhelm and is run by Walter Grotz. Their information packet includes a sample newsletter, a list of H202 distributors and several other items. The packet is being made available to interested ALTERNATIVES readers for only $3. Their address is
ECHO Box 126Delano, MN 55328
If you have an interest in contacting doctors who provide intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy you can write to the International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation (IBOM) at the address listed earlier in this article. You should also be aware that there are now numerous hydrogen peroxide products on the market. Some are simply peroxide that has been flavored and mixed with sea minerals, aloe vera, inner tree bark or other ingredients to make the peroxide more palatable (Superoxy, Oxy Toddy, etc.).
Others claim to have developed products that deliver more oxygen than does simple hydrogen peroxide (Aerox, Anti-Oxid-10, Di-Oxychloride, Aerobic 07, Aqua Pure, etc.). Basically you'll end up paying a small fortune and at best achieving the same results you can get for pennies by using hydrogen peroxide.
ConclusionHydrogen peroxide is one of the few simple miracle substances still available to the public. Its safety and multiple uses ranks it right up there with DMSO. If you've never used either of these compounds you are overlooking two of the most powerful healing tools ever discovered. Most of us started on hydrogen peroxide shortly after birth. Not only does mother's milk contain high amounts of H202, the amount contained in the first milk (colostrum) is even higher. This seems only reasonable now that we know one of its main functions is to activate and stimulate the immune system. Although I am a strong supporter of H202 therapy, I am not suggesting that everyone needs to be using it. There are probably some individuals whose health and well-being would not be enhanced with hydrogen peroxide. But there are also millions of others who are suffering needlessly because they either do not know about hydrogen peroxide or they have been misinformed about its use.
~ Afterword ~The above copyrighted article has been reprinted with permission from Mountain House Publishing, P.O. Box 829, Ingram, TX 78025. It appeared in a recent issue of the health newsletter, ALTERNATIVES ($39.00/yr. 12 issues). Subscription information and/or a sample issue can be obtained by writing to the above address.
Source: Family Health News
Alternatives in Cancer Therapy - Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide v. Prostate Cancer by Bill Munro (Oct. 14, 2005)
Hydrogen Peroxide Nasal Sprayer & Garden Applications by Bill Munro (Feb. 7, 2005)
Hydrogen Peroxide by Walter Grotz
When I began-Update Apr21 07
I know many of us do not exercise for the simple fact that you are guaranteed an OB. Plus all of us know, that whom that shall remain nameless, is a lipid covered virus which means it is protected by fat. In addition we know it is anaerobic which means it survives without oxygen.
So what do we know about over-weight people. They don't exercise and they store fat. Fat that can protect all kinds of illnesses.
We all know when we workout we sweat. We sweat because we are burning fat that is fueling our energy that carrys OXYGEN all over body's.
Are you seeing the connection yet?!?
EVeryone knows when you workout regularly, your body is healthier, but most importantly your body becomes a faster than usual self-healer. This explains why my few ob episodes healed faster from drinking oxygenated water with the application of peroxide & dmso on the ob itself. I am directly putting oxygen on it without exercise.
This may sound crazy, but I am going to begin a vigirous aerobic work-out schedule, while continuing my daily oxygenated water and vitamin intake. Just like when I started drinking the oxygenated water I had a mild ob that healed quickly because of the extra oxygen. It could have been attempting to burn it out the same way I would burn out a cold or flu. So I am expecting to a have some sort of OB. This ob I am afraid, it could be very mild or very severe. And if I am right they will continue to heal as quickly as they come to the point where they sould not show up anymore especially during a workout. Why? Because I am possibly breaking down its fatty protective shell so oxygen can get to the virus itself and burn it out.
We all here on the tv "There is no cure for the common cold or flu", and those are highly contagious viruses as well. But they continuously sell products that try to make you heal faster when the best thing for you is vitamin charged fluids like Orange juice, a good soup, and staying in bed and sweating it out. There is no cure for the common cold or flu but you can get rid of it. You just constantly catch it over and over again from being around sickly people, unclean environments, or poorly cooked foods.
Well since this virus is a stronger beast than the cold or flu we all know it is obviously going to take more work to burn it out.
So those of you that have had professional Oxygen treatments. Ask your doctor about exercising and see what they suggest for you.
I will be going out of town in a week and I do not want an ob during this time. so I will wait until I return to start this program. And just like I gave all the detail updates from drinking the water I will keep you posted on how this works as well.
Other than that, So far I am still doing well. Like I said before, I will keep this up until I can pay for my own professional Auto-Hemo treatments. Plus if anyone has already tried exercising let me know if you had an ob or not. In the meantime here are some updates from members who have undergone the treatment and from others with some info to share.
Message from Leann====================================================================hey, well i have some good news. i started to have a OB and i put the oil on the area before the OB and i never got one. i have done this 2 times and have not had one yet. so please pass this on. just a heads up it REALLY BURNS BAD for a bit.====================================================================--------------------------------------------------------------------
Message from Fdoubledees====================================================================This is the center I am going too. Check her out Synergy Medical Clinic ====================================================================--------------------------------------------------------------------
Message from Darryl====================================================================Hi Alicia,
I was doing some research on cold sores last night, and this article came up. I don't wont to cause any alarm, but it's about a link between cold sores and Alzheimer's and the articles I've find are dated this year so I'm not sure everyone knows about this. Do you know if it's authentic? ====================================================================--------------------------------------------------------------------
Message from Keena====================================================================Hi Alicia. Over the past few weeks, I have really been researching for treatments and clinics. I was fueled by my second outbreak last month because it had started to depress me. Anyway I've found a clinic nearby where the doctor is willing to help me. First, I asked him about the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy just to be sure if he would be willing, and he told me that he would gladly administer it and that I needed to do 3 treatments 3 days in a row since I was newly infected. The treatments will cost me $75 dollars each which will only be $225. After that, I asked him about the autohemotherapy. Ok, on his site he doesn't list that treatment but I wanted to ask him just in case he knew about it. Well, turns out he does do the autohemotherapy and he said it would be "very helpful". I told him that I knew by law he couldn't say it was a cure and that I didn't want to get him in a lot of trouble. He said the IV therapies would range between $60-$100. He also said that I would have to do a VEGA assessment to determine the extent of viral involvement, so that he could decide which treatment would be best for me. Don't know what that is but I think its probably to see how advanced the virus is in my body. The facility is outside Atlanta and I'm planning on going as soon as my semester ends. Also, I also wanted to ask your opinion on this, do you think I should try to induce an outbreak right before my treatment so that I can activate dormant viruses so that they all can be oxidized? I just thought of it and it seems like a pretty great idea. Anyways, I'm talking way too much but I wanted to give you every detail. Please pray for me and I hope to hear from you soon ====================================================================--------------------------------------------------------------------
Message from Carrie====================================================================Hi there- I hope things are well on your end. I wanted to give you an update. You are welcome to share with group.
Over my spring break I went up to New York to see Dr. Barnes. What a wonderful group of people!! I have nothing but nice things to say about them. Anyways, I did one uv therapy treatment for 5 consecutive days. Prior to going up there, I had a consistent OB for 2 solid months. It has been 3 weeks now, and nothing. I still apply hydrogen peroxide morning and night, but that's it. I feel better than I ever have. Thank you for bringing this treatment to my attention. Dr. Barnes recommends I do at least 2 more treatments to be on the safe side, so I am saving my money in order to go back up there. They say the effects of the treatment last up to a month. Because New York is so far from me, I going to Nashville to get a vitamin C drip next month, which also has oxidative properties. I am hoping to head back to NY this summer. They also gave me an HSV symplex 2 protocal. I will type that up at some point this week and send it to you. I have had this virus for 6.5 months, and everyone's immune system is different so the number of treatments needed varies per person. Oh, my insurance will not pay for another test until October, so I will not know if I test negative until then. Thanks again for all you do!
2 Messages from Jr ====================================================================Hey ! Just wanted to let you know im at Dr. Barnes office right now getting this done. It seems like its a simple treatment really. I have four more days of this and I should be done. The clinic is really helpful with everything but you can tell that its almost experimental. The results are not guaranteed but for the amount of money that it is you really cant beat it but well see what happens. Thought I wiuld keep ya informed.
Ok well Im back. The whole treatment was fairly easy actually. The IV and the UVB treatment is only 150 dollars every time and they recommend for our situation for you to run it for 5 days. There is also a 125 dollar consultation fee. In total the treatment for the week is $875 They dont guarantee that this will do it as the other 10,000 dollar clinics dont either but they say it works damn good. You also get a book telling you how to treat this problem after the treatment. So far I do not see a big change since I just got back ofcourse but yes I do see changes already. They recommended to wait a month to let all this seep in and work. I will keep you updated on the status of my health as time progresses but the Dr. does tell you that you should not need to take anymore Valtrex or any of that mess after this. I bought a ton of vitamins while I was there including DMSO and HYDRO peroxide which they have in hand. until I get tested I will be using these for the next couple of months before I do. I know that if this doesnt work then I just have to bite the bullet and just admit there is no immediate cure for this but I will continue treatment for sure anyway in hope that it does go away. Its better to loose 1000 dollars trying then 10,000 in europe trying.====================================================================--------------------------------------------------------------------
When I began-Update Mar20 07
So far the only time I have experienced an OB was during detox and when I decided to go off regimin for a week to see what would happen. I have ran out of oil of oregano. So I do not know if it was beneficial or not. But I am continuing with the h2o2, it has proven to me to be very effective. Plus the dmso whenever an OB happens is extremely effective as well on sores.
Even if I feel a little tingle, especially when I am about to have my period. I just have a drink of 20 drops in my 8oz water and chase it with some juice to kill the after taste and the tingling is gone within the hour. I have lately been drinking welches 100% grape juice. It turns out that not only cranberry juice but any kind of juice saturated in a dark natural color of red, purple or even blue, is very good for kidney or urinary problems, if you have any. The juices are very high in good enzymes.
I must admit, it was hard getting myself deciplined enough not eat before taking my daily dosage. But it was all very worth it. I continue to eat what I want. But the junk food I used to eat is almost non-existent. Closest thing to junk food I eat now is all natural Haagen Doz ice-cream. I do stay completely away from foods made with fake sugar. I finally got my granny to stop eating that crap, but she wanted to cut down on sugar, so now she uses honey.
It is amazing I spent only $44 on a gallon of this stuff and I still have a 1/2 a gallon left and no OB. I will just keep this up until I can get the real Bio-oxidative treatment.
I do want to remind everyone that I am not a doctor of any kind. I am just an infected person just like you, with determination just like you. All I do is read and research in my spare time and take risks with these alternative remedies because I have hope just like all of you. I truely appreciate all of you, who are complete strangers that are willing to help so many others by sharing you experiences with me.
The fact that this at home remedy I have chosen to try is not only working but has not killed me or caused any adverse reaction, has truely proven the FDA wrong, and has proven that they are untrust worthy in my book.
Plus when it comes to these doctors, and the list I gave out, it is up to all of you to do your research on them. I don't have time to do everything for you. That is why I agreed to give out all this reading material in the initial emails I sent to you. It is just like that old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force him to drink it." or "You can go catch a fish for a man and he will eat for a day, or you can teach him how to fish and he will never go hungry."
Some of you maybe wondering why I haven't just started a blogger page for all of us to get on. Which would make this a hell of a lot easier for all of us especially me.
The truth is, I am extremely paranoid.
I feel that if this does work, someone will swoop down very quickly and kill all the information we have all gathered. And with privacy laws in this country no one has the right to go into your email without your permission unless you are threat to security. And it doesn't take common since to know that we are no threat. We just want to be healthy.
==============================================================Message From K
oil of oragano- -best quality and price plus other supplements-collidial silver...etc
I got the book flood your body with oxygen by ed mccabe. If your are going to spend money on oxygen therapy spend $20 on this book, its on Amazon. It has so much info.==============================================================
I will be buying this book. Thanks K
==============================================================Message from fdoubledees
Hi I don't mind others having my emails out there but please send your email with (no subject)I feel more empowered and fueled to deal with this mess since reaching out. Also to you Alicia if you feel overwhelmed with this searched then delegate because none of us need extra stress. I am living in California and love the fact that we are going for the gusto.==============================================================
Thanks fdoubledees, I truely appreciate your willingness to help. Be sure if I need extra help you will be the first I will ask. As of now, it is now so bad. Plus please let me know everything you experience on your visit on MARCH 30!! I am so excited for you. Believe me I need as much first hand info as possible, no matter if it is positive or negative. I am praying for you. The reason why I haven't gone in is because of financial reasons.
But please share everything take a note pad with you so you don't forget anything.
==============================================================Message from Chuck
Anybody heard or did any Homeopthy Treatment. I have contacted about 5 Homeopathic Doctors in India. They claim that virus can be elimiated from one's body if you follow the treatment. Homepathic Doctor from India gave me the following procedure but I haven't tired it yet. You can find the following medicine at local Health or Vitamins Shoppe. Tablets are 7 to 10 dollars Day 1: Hepar Sulf. 1m / 5ml/No. 40 globules 5 tablets chew on the tongue at 7am on empty stomach, than 5 tablets chew on the tongue 12pm (with or without food?) and 5 tablets chew on the tongue at 5pm (emtpy stomach or with food?)After this DO NOT take any medicine for 48hrs. Is that correct? Day 3: Acid Nitricum 1m/5ml/no.40 globules 5 tablets chew on the tongue at 7am on empty stomach, than 5 tablets chew on the tongue 12pm (with or without food?) and 5 tablets chew on the tongue at 10pm (emtpy stomach or with food?)After this DO NOT take any medicine for 1 week. After one month repeat the same. Any circumstances no ointment applied-only unmedicated vaseline applied. If you need more information, feel free to email me back. Chuck==============================================================
When I began-Update Mar12 07
So far I have decided to pick up the torch with the Oil of Oregano. If anyone else has already begun, please let me know what you are experiencing no matter if it is positive or negative. It would be great feed back for everyone else.
So far I am still using the peroxide treatment. Currently saving money to go to New York to get the Autohemo Therapy aka Bio-Oxidative therapy. I plan on getting the treatment for atleast 5 days straight which will give 5 single treatments. That should be enough to kill it off if all the this research is correct. Now I can't say the same for anyone that has had it longer than a year. You just may need more treatments because the virus is more deeply embedded in your body.
Oil of Oregano:Wow leann wasn't kidding when she said it burns the tongue.The down side is that it burns your tongue if you don't properly put it under your tongue. Plus, the taste is really bad and bitter, but it only lasts for about a minute.
I also applied it to the base of my spine and lymph nodes, just like I do with the peroxide. And followed it up with the dmso.
specifically, I apply the peroxide first with a cotton ball, then rub in the oil of oregano, and then apply the dmso.
I did go the extra step and put it on the sores I had from going off treatment for a week. It burns a bit. Not completely unbearable. but close to it.
Plus the scent. You smell like a mild spice half of the day. But it doesn't stink so much. It almost smells kind of minty. I know you don't have to worry about bad breath with this stuff.
It seems that there are many types of natural oils and other natural regimens out there than can help with viruses and boost your immune system. Oil of oregano, Olive leaf extract, Virgin coconut oil, just to name a few.
My suggestion is just take one of these at a time, or what ever else you have have found and researced no matter if it is red algea, colloidal silver, etc and see how it works. The only way you know what is working and what is not is if you take your time with each treatment. You maybe using one supplement that could be canceling out another.
Like me I know that the at home version of food grade peroxide treatment is a great OB preventative not cure. Now I am on the Oil of Oregano with the peroxide & dmso. I will be doing this for 3 months, or until I have saved my money until I get the the Autohemo treatments.
My granny, the nurse, is so enthused about my research, that she is willing to take a few treatments to kill off the cancers in her body that keep growing back. She's had 2 surgeries because of it.
Hear is something from Kirk. I thought you all may find it helpful:
Thank you so much for all your info. I too believe that a natural cure exists and that we have to just keep searching and experimenting. I have found for me that oxygen capsules and red marine algae seem to work. I am blessed in that I only have one or two outbreaks per year. The two times that I tried to start an lysine regiment it caused, not prevented an outbreak. I'm not saying it was the lysine that caused it but I will stick with what works until I can totally rid myself of this. The Oxy-Gen caps I take are by TRC labs It states that each Vegetable capsule contains oxygen as O1 the equivalent of 12 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. The capsules they marketed three years ago actually had hydrogen peroxide, I never have found out why they changed. I have not tried DMSO yet but plan to. Once again thanks for all your information and I will continue to keep you in my prayers. You are an inspiration and a blessing to others. Thank you Kirk ==============================================================
Hear are 2 messages from Kisses. Her email is I thought you all may find it helpful:
Feb 25, 2007Hi Alicia, Just wanted to let you know that I contacted the doctor in NY and I spoke to Debbie she was awesome (I think she's the assistant there) but she was so easy to talk to and she was sooo sincere. She told me about a clinic in NYC that is somewhat closer than buffalo NY but that place seems great. But anway, ive added something to my regiment.. if im experiencing a break out she told me to use dsmo and hydrogen peroxide. She told me to use h.p on a cotton ball and wipe over the outbreak and then after you do that appy the dsmo with your finger tips.. do not rub it in .. ususally i take a shower so that perhaps the dsmo can absorb the steam too but after i get out the shower i wipe it off with h.p.. but you really shouldnt keep it on longer than 10 min. though.. but Alicia, it worked so well i was having a break out and it cleared it up in like 2 days it was amazing. Oh and I start ozone treatment on march 28th .the price was (so you can tell everyone else) $185 for an ekg and then $90 for the ozone treatment they also do autohemo but they said the first must be ozone. Although the doctor was a bit shady sounding. but anyway just thought you should know Shay--------------------------------------------------------------
Mar 12, 2007
Also, I am doing the following which seems like a lot but i spread it out. throughout the day.. maybe you can share this with everyone else and see what they think.1). vitamin C 2) oil of oregano and vitamin E-oral forms3). L-Lysine 1000k mlg a day4) Neem (this is great Alicia, you should do some research on this ..ive found it to be very helpful-i take the pills and i apply it around my mouth every morning and evening)5). garlic pills6) Olive leaf extract pills7). Acidophilos (active ingredient in yogart)8) golden seal every 3 weeks for 7 days So far things are going well but I have this to report and I dont know what to think. I spoke to Becky about this too.So below is our conversation via email: This is really wierd and I need your help! The doctorwho originally said that I came up slightly high forthe virus. Well here's what she said. She said thatshe took a IGM and I was slightly high coming in at.91 (which she said anything under .90 is negative) soI came up positive ---- This test was taken aboutearly January.
Then I took a test about 2 weeks ago now and she saidthat the test came back at .90 (which is negative). So Becky, I need your help on this.. do I have it? Ordo I not have it?
Please shed some light on this Becky's response was this: While lab tests can be helpful in many ways, they arenot the be all and end all, and are often not totallyaccurate. If you had the symptoms, then my opinion isthat indeed you do have the virus. I found thefollowing possible explaination for you at thefollowing website:
"IgM antibodies specific for HSV are present only fora relatively short period of time. They are the firstantibodies to form after the infection, and as suchare excellent markers for the presence of recent oractive clinical disease. They may also be found inserum from 10-30% of patients who have reactivation ofa previous herpes infection. IgM antibodies againstHSV usually begin to form within 1-2 weeks after onsetof the infection. The IgM antibody response usuallydeclines rapidly such that after a few weeks or months(depending on the infection) they are undetectable. Incontrast, IgG antibodies form more slowly, but persistfor months or years."
In other words, IgM might decrease over time, eventhough you have HSV. So Alicia, perhaps everything im taking is working again, when I went in January i came up on the IGM at .91 and then about early March I took the IGG and I came up at .90 (which was negative). I think Ive baffled my gyn and her assistant, so they told me to come back in 6 months. Im hoping to confuse them some more haha. Especially because starting this month I wil start ozone and perhaps autohemo thereafter. I'll keep you posted. Definitely share this with the group and let them know what im taking and if they have any questions, let them know that they can contact me all the best and keep fighting-- Never give up Shay==============================================================
When I began-Update Feb19 07
So I did have an OB three little bumps that came and went within a week. My 2nd day of going without the peroxide my stomach felt kind of heavy. Like something was weighing me down. Plus I was really fatigued. All I wanted to do was go to bed. After a day of working two jobs and feeling like that I was begging to go home early just to sleep. My skin started breaking out again. Plus, due to the fact I was so tired, I was very moody.
This is one of the reactions I was expecting to have because it hasn't been a full 3 months, because I know it takes a while to kill a virus.
So starting tomorrow, I will be going back to my usual schedule, but now I will be taking 20 drops per day 3x a day period. I decided to do the 20 drops because my body is now used to the extra oxygen.
I am starting to believe this at home treatment may be a very good preventative/suppressive for OB's. But this just boost my hopes, let's me know how the actual Autohemo therapy aka Bio-Oxidative therapy, will work.
Speaking of which. I have spoken with another clinic from New York that provides Autohemo. And thank goodness there treatment is no where near $7000.
The initial consultation with this Dr Barnes is $200 and $150 to be consulted by his daughter.
IV treatment aka Chelation is $110 per treatment
Autohemo with only UVB purification $130 per treatment
But the best I would recommend if you go with this therapy is Autohemo with UVB & Ozone $130 per treatment.
If you decide to have the treatment the same day, you will get $25 off. This is the same way the adminster it in Europe except over there it is $85 American Dollars.
She also stated that they have facilities in Philidelphia, NYC, Florida, and Washington.
I will let you guys know how many treatments an afflictions like ours will take to be free. That is if I will need more than one.
But remember, this Autohemo is my last try. I will continue my peroxide water treatment, vitamins and DMSO for the rest of my 3 months. If I no longer have OB's for the rest my 3 months I will take blood test take a test. If my test still comes out to be positive then I will try the Oil of Oregano.
The only reason why I am continuing these treatments, and not just going for the gusto, is to let me and you know if they are actually worth trying and do they have good results. In the mean time I will be saving money to see a qualified doctor to perform this therapy, that is if I will still need to in the end.
I will speak to the actual doctor tomorrow during my break at work.
Remember people something like this will not happen over-night. I am still very hopefull. I know many of you have been searching, and waiting for years for a miracle. I believe we are very close to it, especially with all of us working together.
When I began-Update Jan31 07
Some good news everyone. I have found THE CLINIC in the United States that I will be saving money to go to if my blood test still comes up positive... here is the link...-->-->-->
Some details when I spoke with the receptionist.They will treat a person with HSV1 or 2.The clinic is in Arizona.She said a treatment for me may last for up to 3 weeks.
Bad news -- It costs way more here than in Europe.UK costs about $67 US dollars. The full works in the Us is from $7000 - 15000.
Good news -- She said there is this place called care credit that can help you with payment options.
Then again... I think we are all better off paying for it ourselves... Hell we all spend the same amount on a freakin car... why not our health...
But all of that is just a plan B. I am hoping I won't have to go that far... So far it looks like I won't have to.
When I began-Update Jan18 07
Now this will sound nasty, but I have to share it. I usually put a tissue down there just to check on how fast the sore is healing by tracking how much fluid the sore discharges. To my surprise I now only have two sores left. The last two are healing swiftly and are drying up.
I felt if I applied it on every area it is affecting it has a better chance of following it all the way down to the source while it is still active.
I prayed to God to give me something curable. It is funny that I am finding this of all things is curable.
I am seeing my sores are lot less severe but that is the same for everyone but I am not taking any Rx meds as I have said before. The reason why I keep pointing this out is because this is proof we don't have to accept everything the FDA says is good or bad for us.
The effects of the HP are now just mild headaches and fatigue. My skin is clearing up. finally!
Also, one of us in the this mailing party is going to undergo the Oil of Oregano treatment. She says if any of you want an update how her treatment is going feel free to let her know. She has done some research on it. And would be happy to answer all of your questions. You can reach her at I think it could be another way to stop the virus.
If the pharmaceutical companies are looking for a cure, which we all highly doubt, it would be something a lot like this. Because the one shot pill version is not going to do it. In order to kill viruses we have to kill it going in and out. Bottom line if we take a treatment that consistantly includes oral and topical solution at the same time is the key to getting rid of this.
Plus, another one of us is using Virgin coconut oil. Im not sure how that is going for him. But I will let you all know.
I must say this is very cool. All of us sticking together like this and sharing important details that can help us all. Most importantly, we can speak to each other directly. Unlike message boards which are cool, but people only do one posting about there success but never share the details of how the hell they got there. Now that pisses me off. One of us has to come up on top with a negative test.
When I began-Update Jan11 07
I knew this was going to happen. I stated before I started that I could go through another OB while taking this HP. The one I just had right before I took the water did clear up.
Now I don't want to scare anyone from this but, I am going to be honest with you. This current OB reactivated the one that just healed with an added single friend.
In the meantime, I had an idea to add 1 500mg vitamin c to each dose of HP water. I gulp down the HP water. I am now on 16 drops per day. When I chase it with the Orange Juice, I just take a vitamin with it. So far today this additional vitamin has helped alot. That tingly itchy feeling is completely gone. I have one more glass to take before going to bed tonight. So I am happy.
No Lysine. I just read that overtime, lysine not only can cause kidney damage but, it begins doing the reverse to your immune system when taken daily over a long period of time. Meaning it gets weaker. And We all don't want that. So I would suggest only taking it through an OB.
Other than that I have been doing some reading on Antibodies. How they function and the function of vaccines.
Well most of us know that antibodies are the cells in our body that guard against infection and the reinfection of a virus or bacteria, like chickenpox or the flu. The cool thing about antibodies is that they remain the body for a long time. I'm estimating about six months at the least up to 10 years. While others remain in your body for the rest of your life.
And this got me thinking about our quest for a cure and these blood test that are setup to detect HSV in your body. Many of them are setup to look for antibodies.
But then I remembered that antibodies are a good thing. They kill off infection and make sure you don't catch the same infection again as long as that antibody is in your body.
If every blood test we took was geared toward looking for antibodies, then all of us are still infected with chickenpox, flu, or anything that we were vaccinated for as children that have antibodies that remain in your body all your life.
So I am wondering if I am lucky to cure myself. How long will the antibodies of HSV remain in my body? Will they die off and appear as if I never even had it once? Or will they remain in my body forever, which could possibly guard me against reinfection? To be honest with you guys it is actually a Win/Win situation.
So an antibody test is not the test to let you know you are cured. The guy that posted his cure took the Western Blot test, that looks specifically for the HSV not the antibodies.
Just a helpful tip.
When I began-Update Jan9 07
For those of you who don't know the difference between a boil and a acne bump. Well boils are much larger than acne bumps. they grow deep under the skin and takes days of being sore and getting larger to come to a head. Whitehead that is. Once this happens it is safe for you to pop it yourself or to let it do it on its own. Sometimes boils can be very large and will not pop. This is dangerous!! You would have to go to the doctor have them perform a Lance. A professional way of draining a large boil. You do not want that boil to retard back into your body. It is full harmful things that will make you very ill.The best way to let a boil to come to a head is to keep heat applied to it.
My granny the nurse, she had a boil when she was much younger while ill. It grew so large that it took over her entire hip over the course of 4 or 5 days. Due to the fact that it was so large it was very painful. Plus just like a small boil it was hard. It was like a cushy stone in her hip. Well, on the last night in bed she heard a pop sound, and all the toxins trapped in that boil started draining out down her leg. Unfortunately, due to the size it carried a fowl odor. But she was back to normal and as healthy as a horse when it was all done.
My point of sharing this stomach turning story is to let you know that the skin eruptions I am going threw are a very very good thing.
I truely believe that a combination of HP water flooding the body with extra oxygen while applying DMSO to the base of your spine with diluted 35% HP will bring about a cure. It all just makes perfect since to me. To flood the body with extra oxygen first so it will not spread and then to add DMSO with 35% HP at the source of the hiding place. By stopping it in both directions should do it. Seperately they are good at slowing down outbreaks, but together may kill it. I just pray for all our sake that I am right.
When I began-Update Jan7 07
So far with this treatment, I haven't had any serious side effects except minor bumps on my face and one on my southern region. Only 4 little bumps. They are not acne because a white head didn't form and it is not a facial or genital herpe because it is not an open sore and it doesn't itch. They are mildly sore because they are deep in the skin. This is one of the side effects called skin eruptions aka tiny boils where the toxins in your body are trying to purge.
You maybe wondering why haven't added Lysine to my treatment. Well the reason for that is because I have bad kidneys, and too much protein can do more damage. But I may start taking them again, but once every other day or chopping one pill in half and taking half of one every day.
PSThanks for Lookin out DB
When I began-Update Jan4 07
So far all I have done was double up on my intake of vitamin c and Apple cider vinegar. Plus, I applied a regular store bought peroxide mixed into paste with crushed lysine pills once while the blister was fully open, and then I continually applied regular peroxide each night before bed.
The the single painless blister showed up this past Tuesday, and it is almost completely healed today Thursday. It did not spread into a hell storm!! Woo Hoo!! So to hell with Acyclovir & valtrex.
I am sorry to tell you, I forgot to share one detail. I have been using it so long it did not cross my mind to tell you. The soap I use for genital cleaning is Panoxyl 10 soap. It is actually sold as an facial acne cleansing soap. But since it mainly consists of peroxide and is a medicated soap I used it on my southern region. You can buy it anywhere especially at Walgreens and Walmart in the cosmetic section with the other selections of acne wash.
So far I have changed one detail of my treatment. I take the Apple cider vinegar at the same time I take the HP water. Since I am going through a mild OB, I figured this may help. I take a tea-spoon right before I down the HP water and then chase it with the second tea-spoon, 3x a day each time I take the HP water.
Now the taste of the HP water is not bad when you initially drink it. Actually it tastes just like water. Unfortunately, it is the after taste that really gets you and it gets stronger as the drops increase each day. The best way to remedy this is to chase it with your choice of juice except carrot juice. I chase it with a small cup of Orange juice it immediately kills the after taste for me.
This morning during my first daily cup, I accidently got some undiluted 35% HP on my fingers. Sadly because I was rushing for work I didn't put on my plastic glove. And like the warning label says it may burn but it will turn you skin white. And that is exactly what happened. It wasn't horrific. It burned one of my fingers a little but that was because I had a small cut on it. But the skin discoloration lasted for one hour on my fingers. It looks like you spilled some white-out on your fingers....
When I began-Update Jan2 07
If you are going to do this also, be sure to read and follow the instructions on the file titled "The many benefits of HP..."
My treatment consists of:
-I drink only distilled water now, it is 64cents a gallon.
-A tea-spoon of Apple cider vinegar 2x a day chased with water with first and last meal. Don't mix the ACV with the water. It prolongs the bitter taste and makes it harder to drink. Your first time taking it you will get a warm sensation in your chest. It feels soothing to me.
-One multi-vitamin and 500mg vitamin c with food each morning. I use One a Day Women multi. I suggest eating something like oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits, fiber friendly breakfast foods, or cereal bars with the vitamins.
-The 21 day cleansing with HP. Instructions titled "The many benefits of HP..."
My day starts:
-6am -- As soon as I wake up to get ready for work, I take my first glass of HP water on an empty stomach
-7am -- After 1 hour after taking the HP water, I take 1 tea-spoon of ACV, and begin eating my breakfast with my multi-vitamin and vitamin c.
-12pm -- Noon is the last time I can eat before taking my next HP water dose at 3pm. You must wait 3hrs after eating before you take another HP water dose.
-3pm -- I take my HP water dose
-4pm -- I can eat another snack if I choose. After this time, no matter how late I eat dinner I take my tea-spoon of ACV with it, and I wait 3hrs for the last dose of HP water for the day.
I am going to wait up two weeks before starting the DMSO. I gave you the files on it. It is a way to put medication directly through the skin. It absorbs everything you apply with it all the way down the cellular level. But you must be careful it can and will absorb toxins if you are in an unclean environment or using lotions with a lot of unknown/unhealthy chemicals.
I will give you the instructions on how I am using DMSO after I start it.
You can taylor this to your on schedule. Just be sure to take the HP water on an empty stomach. 1hr before meals or 3hrs after.
Make sure you read the instructions, and the cleansing side effects with in the instructions.
And good luck to you.