I have some good, but disgusting news. The single boil on my southern popped. In medical terms this is a very good thing. That means harmful toxins are leaving your body.
For those of you who don't know the difference between a boil and a acne bump. Well boils are much larger than acne bumps. they grow deep under the skin and takes days of being sore and getting larger to come to a head. Whitehead that is. Once this happens it is safe for you to pop it yourself or to let it do it on its own. Sometimes boils can be very large and will not pop. This is dangerous!! You would have to go to the doctor have them perform a Lance. A professional way of draining a large boil. You do not want that boil to retard back into your body. It is full harmful things that will make you very ill.The best way to let a boil to come to a head is to keep heat applied to it.
My granny the nurse, she had a boil when she was much younger while ill. It grew so large that it took over her entire hip over the course of 4 or 5 days. Due to the fact that it was so large it was very painful. Plus just like a small boil it was hard. It was like a cushy stone in her hip. Well, on the last night in bed she heard a pop sound, and all the toxins trapped in that boil started draining out down her leg. Unfortunately, due to the size it carried a fowl odor. But she was back to normal and as healthy as a horse when it was all done.
My point of sharing this stomach turning story is to let you know that the skin eruptions I am going threw are a very very good thing.
I truely believe that a combination of HP water flooding the body with extra oxygen while applying DMSO to the base of your spine with diluted 35% HP will bring about a cure. It all just makes perfect since to me. To flood the body with extra oxygen first so it will not spread and then to add DMSO with 35% HP at the source of the hiding place. By stopping it in both directions should do it. Seperately they are good at slowing down outbreaks, but together may kill it. I just pray for all our sake that I am right.