I have it on good authority from one member in this mailing group, that even though ACV is good for many ailments unfortunately HSV is not one of them. So I took his advice and discontinued using it with my HP water treatment.. And to my surprise the sore healed even faster!!! It felt as if it was delaying the healing process of the HP.
So far with this treatment, I haven't had any serious side effects except minor bumps on my face and one on my southern region. Only 4 little bumps. They are not acne because a white head didn't form and it is not a facial or genital herpe because it is not an open sore and it doesn't itch. They are mildly sore because they are deep in the skin. This is one of the side effects called skin eruptions aka tiny boils where the toxins in your body are trying to purge.
You maybe wondering why haven't added Lysine to my treatment. Well the reason for that is because I have bad kidneys, and too much protein can do more damage. But I may start taking them again, but once every other day or chopping one pill in half and taking half of one every day.
PSThanks for Lookin out DB