First of all I want you to know that this treatment I am trying is soley me. You may have a different reaction depending on how long you have had it and treating it with Rx medication. I am not taking Rx Medication.
If you are going to do this also, be sure to read and follow the instructions on the file titled "The many benefits of HP..."
My treatment consists of:
-I drink only distilled water now, it is 64cents a gallon.
-A tea-spoon of Apple cider vinegar 2x a day chased with water with first and last meal. Don't mix the ACV with the water. It prolongs the bitter taste and makes it harder to drink. Your first time taking it you will get a warm sensation in your chest. It feels soothing to me.
-One multi-vitamin and 500mg vitamin c with food each morning. I use One a Day Women multi. I suggest eating something like oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits, fiber friendly breakfast foods, or cereal bars with the vitamins.
-The 21 day cleansing with HP. Instructions titled "The many benefits of HP..."
My day starts:
-6am -- As soon as I wake up to get ready for work, I take my first glass of HP water on an empty stomach
-7am -- After 1 hour after taking the HP water, I take 1 tea-spoon of ACV, and begin eating my breakfast with my multi-vitamin and vitamin c.
-12pm -- Noon is the last time I can eat before taking my next HP water dose at 3pm. You must wait 3hrs after eating before you take another HP water dose.
-3pm -- I take my HP water dose
-4pm -- I can eat another snack if I choose. After this time, no matter how late I eat dinner I take my tea-spoon of ACV with it, and I wait 3hrs for the last dose of HP water for the day.
I am going to wait up two weeks before starting the DMSO. I gave you the files on it. It is a way to put medication directly through the skin. It absorbs everything you apply with it all the way down the cellular level. But you must be careful it can and will absorb toxins if you are in an unclean environment or using lotions with a lot of unknown/unhealthy chemicals.
I will give you the instructions on how I am using DMSO after I start it.
You can taylor this to your on schedule. Just be sure to take the HP water on an empty stomach. 1hr before meals or 3hrs after.
Make sure you read the instructions, and the cleansing side effects with in the instructions.
And good luck to you.