Sunday, August 19, 2007

When I began-Update Mar12 07

Hello all,
So far I have decided to pick up the torch with the Oil of Oregano. If anyone else has already begun, please let me know what you are experiencing no matter if it is positive or negative. It would be great feed back for everyone else.
So far I am still using the peroxide treatment. Currently saving money to go to New York to get the Autohemo Therapy aka Bio-Oxidative therapy. I plan on getting the treatment for atleast 5 days straight which will give 5 single treatments. That should be enough to kill it off if all the this research is correct. Now I can't say the same for anyone that has had it longer than a year. You just may need more treatments because the virus is more deeply embedded in your body.
Oil of Oregano:Wow leann wasn't kidding when she said it burns the tongue.The down side is that it burns your tongue if you don't properly put it under your tongue. Plus, the taste is really bad and bitter, but it only lasts for about a minute.
I also applied it to the base of my spine and lymph nodes, just like I do with the peroxide. And followed it up with the dmso.
specifically, I apply the peroxide first with a cotton ball, then rub in the oil of oregano, and then apply the dmso.
I did go the extra step and put it on the sores I had from going off treatment for a week. It burns a bit. Not completely unbearable. but close to it.
Plus the scent. You smell like a mild spice half of the day. But it doesn't stink so much. It almost smells kind of minty. I know you don't have to worry about bad breath with this stuff.
It seems that there are many types of natural oils and other natural regimens out there than can help with viruses and boost your immune system. Oil of oregano, Olive leaf extract, Virgin coconut oil, just to name a few.
My suggestion is just take one of these at a time, or what ever else you have have found and researced no matter if it is red algea, colloidal silver, etc and see how it works. The only way you know what is working and what is not is if you take your time with each treatment. You maybe using one supplement that could be canceling out another.
Like me I know that the at home version of food grade peroxide treatment is a great OB preventative not cure. Now I am on the Oil of Oregano with the peroxide & dmso. I will be doing this for 3 months, or until I have saved my money until I get the the Autohemo treatments.
My granny, the nurse, is so enthused about my research, that she is willing to take a few treatments to kill off the cancers in her body that keep growing back. She's had 2 surgeries because of it.
Hear is something from Kirk. I thought you all may find it helpful:
Thank you so much for all your info. I too believe that a natural cure exists and that we have to just keep searching and experimenting. I have found for me that oxygen capsules and red marine algae seem to work. I am blessed in that I only have one or two outbreaks per year. The two times that I tried to start an lysine regiment it caused, not prevented an outbreak. I'm not saying it was the lysine that caused it but I will stick with what works until I can totally rid myself of this. The Oxy-Gen caps I take are by TRC labs It states that each Vegetable capsule contains oxygen as O1 the equivalent of 12 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. The capsules they marketed three years ago actually had hydrogen peroxide, I never have found out why they changed. I have not tried DMSO yet but plan to. Once again thanks for all your information and I will continue to keep you in my prayers. You are an inspiration and a blessing to others. Thank you Kirk ==============================================================
Hear are 2 messages from Kisses. Her email is I thought you all may find it helpful:
Feb 25, 2007Hi Alicia, Just wanted to let you know that I contacted the doctor in NY and I spoke to Debbie she was awesome (I think she's the assistant there) but she was so easy to talk to and she was sooo sincere. She told me about a clinic in NYC that is somewhat closer than buffalo NY but that place seems great. But anway, ive added something to my regiment.. if im experiencing a break out she told me to use dsmo and hydrogen peroxide. She told me to use h.p on a cotton ball and wipe over the outbreak and then after you do that appy the dsmo with your finger tips.. do not rub it in .. ususally i take a shower so that perhaps the dsmo can absorb the steam too but after i get out the shower i wipe it off with h.p.. but you really shouldnt keep it on longer than 10 min. though.. but Alicia, it worked so well i was having a break out and it cleared it up in like 2 days it was amazing. Oh and I start ozone treatment on march 28th .the price was (so you can tell everyone else) $185 for an ekg and then $90 for the ozone treatment they also do autohemo but they said the first must be ozone. Although the doctor was a bit shady sounding. but anyway just thought you should know Shay--------------------------------------------------------------
Mar 12, 2007
Also, I am doing the following which seems like a lot but i spread it out. throughout the day.. maybe you can share this with everyone else and see what they think.1). vitamin C 2) oil of oregano and vitamin E-oral forms3). L-Lysine 1000k mlg a day4) Neem (this is great Alicia, you should do some research on this ..ive found it to be very helpful-i take the pills and i apply it around my mouth every morning and evening)5). garlic pills6) Olive leaf extract pills7). Acidophilos (active ingredient in yogart)8) golden seal every 3 weeks for 7 days So far things are going well but I have this to report and I dont know what to think. I spoke to Becky about this too.So below is our conversation via email: This is really wierd and I need your help! The doctorwho originally said that I came up slightly high forthe virus. Well here's what she said. She said thatshe took a IGM and I was slightly high coming in at.91 (which she said anything under .90 is negative) soI came up positive ---- This test was taken aboutearly January.
Then I took a test about 2 weeks ago now and she saidthat the test came back at .90 (which is negative). So Becky, I need your help on this.. do I have it? Ordo I not have it?
Please shed some light on this Becky's response was this: While lab tests can be helpful in many ways, they arenot the be all and end all, and are often not totallyaccurate. If you had the symptoms, then my opinion isthat indeed you do have the virus. I found thefollowing possible explaination for you at thefollowing website:
"IgM antibodies specific for HSV are present only fora relatively short period of time. They are the firstantibodies to form after the infection, and as suchare excellent markers for the presence of recent oractive clinical disease. They may also be found inserum from 10-30% of patients who have reactivation ofa previous herpes infection. IgM antibodies againstHSV usually begin to form within 1-2 weeks after onsetof the infection. The IgM antibody response usuallydeclines rapidly such that after a few weeks or months(depending on the infection) they are undetectable. Incontrast, IgG antibodies form more slowly, but persistfor months or years."
In other words, IgM might decrease over time, eventhough you have HSV. So Alicia, perhaps everything im taking is working again, when I went in January i came up on the IGM at .91 and then about early March I took the IGG and I came up at .90 (which was negative). I think Ive baffled my gyn and her assistant, so they told me to come back in 6 months. Im hoping to confuse them some more haha. Especially because starting this month I wil start ozone and perhaps autohemo thereafter. I'll keep you posted. Definitely share this with the group and let them know what im taking and if they have any questions, let them know that they can contact me all the best and keep fighting-- Never give up Shay==============================================================